Practice Exam Score vs. Real Exam Grade

How do you know when you are ready to test?

Our brains tell us that a 75 indicates that we have a major knowledge deficit and need to continue studying but many people have reported getting 70's on practice exams and then A'cing real exams. So far I have very limited personal experience to share but I can tell you that going into the Transitions exam I had a 74 on the practice and made a B on the real thing. For Health Differences I made a 73 on Form A and a 75 on Form B even after doing all of the required reading. But alas, I made a C on the actual exam. I have been informed by the Director of Testing for Excelsior that the practice exams (as of 4/25/14) are not updated to reflect the credit-bearing exams. The practice exams for Health Differences were not a good indication of the real exam due to the high number of Select All That Apply questions and a shifted focus on certain areas of information.

I will keep updating as I go. For now, I am going to go nurse my disappointment from today's exams with some trashy reality TV :)

Update, 5/8/2014: I took the Health Safety exam today. From what the Excelsior testing person told me, some tests have been updated and some have not; some have SATA questions ad some do not. What that also means is that some practice exams correlate with their credit-bearing exam, and some do not. Excelsior is apparantly in the process of updating their practice exams but have not completed the process. I have an email from Excelsior explaining this. I got a 76 on the practice exam and got an A on the credit-bearing exam. This is in line with what many people have said about what to expect. I do not think that I got one of the updated exams and do not believe I would have gotten an A if it had been one of the updated exams. The last exam I took was Health Differences. i got a 74 on the practice exam and a C on the updated version of the credit-bearing exam.

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